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Friday, September 30, 2011


One thing that surprised me about Russia is the hangouts. Young people walk around the streets, enjoy nature, the scenery and talk, but back at home, my friends and I rarely did this. Yes, California has better weather, however, we don't go on walks for fun. Instead, we sit around at a friend's house, cook, eat, watch TV, play games and talk. It's nice, warm and cozy. Or sometimes we go to a restaurant for dinner, walk about the mall, or hold short summer BBQ parties...but we're usually inside. For this strange phenomenon, I have no explanation. Perhaps, I just made friends with people who weren't so active.

Schools here seem to be one tall building rather than a campus with multiple two-storied complexes like from San Jose. I think that is due to the colder winters, students and teachers rather avoid the cold as much as possible. I remember that in Virginia, indoor halls were rather common too, while complexes were limited. The weather here has been rather nice, still nothing cold yet, but I imagine it will come within two months. And then, I will wonder how young people "hang out". Ice rinks, theaters and malls?

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