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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

People watch TV and don't know their own neighbors!

Above is a line from a classic Russian film "Москва слезам не верит", or otherwise known as "Moscow does not believe in Tears". But in fact, I met my Russian neighbors today. It was an accident, because I came to the 10th floor, but no one was home to let me in the flat. My backpack was filled with groceries for pizza, but no where to leave it. My nice neighbors invited me to wait for my sister in their home, and initially I refused, but then I started talking with them, so all was well. I only stayed for maybe 10 minutes. And on the general note, for the last four months, I've been meeting new faces everyday, aka the residents of the 16 floored apartment. I'm sure I won't meet everyone, but it's been a nice experience so far.

And now, my pizza is finished, and it's so American compared to all these mayo-pizzas! There's champignon (white) mushrooms, sausage and cheese! Life feels great. And I forgot to write about yesterday's busy schedule, but I'll cheat with free prose: 5 lessons, school day without teacher, watched Russian movie, ice skate, shoes, watched people dance at the ball, "grape", McD and home!

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