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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Так, я никогда не писала здесь по-русски, но мне надо стараться. Почему раньше у меня был нет русского текста? Потому что было трудно мне. Я еще боюсь что у меня много ошибк когда я пишу, поэтому раньше я только писала в моей тетради, который никто не видел. Тем не менее...Я в России, и хочу лучше знать этот язык.

У иностраных школьников еще 5 месяцев этой стране. :)

And a quick note:

I have a guilty pleasure in Russia: sweets. At the grocery store, I bought two bags of this cream-cheese-milkcurd concoction called “tvorog” (творог). I've first tried it in Siberia with strawberry jam, and almost no other desert can compare. It's amazing how something so simple to prepare can be so delicious, no baking required! (Of course, if I had to make the milk curds and jam from scratch, it would be tedious.) I haven't had it in the while, but now I'm addicted to tvorik with condensed milk. No one else in my household seems to like it as much, so at first, I ate more, as not to waste it, but unfortunately now, I'm absolutely hooked. As much as I like this desert, I know it's not the healthiest dish, so I'm happily awaiting the day when I eat my last plate. Then, I don't plan on purchasing any more. I've gained weight from eating too much, and not exercising here.

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