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Monday, August 29, 2011


Woke up early to chat with some people from home, then went back to sleep for an hour. Breakfast was great, we had some leftover blini! Today the sisters and I watched another Disney film with Adam Sandler and some other famous actors called “Bedtime stories”; the film might not have fared well in sales, but I do like it. There's a weird googly-eyed guinea pig there named Bugsy too. I like the way it works, the audio is in Russian while subtitles are in English. Although the words don't generally match, I think I am getting the gist of the scenes.

Afs students had a short excursion around town today. Our mode of transport? A yellow marshupka, or taxi van. We visited the hilltops to catch views of Orthodox churches and the Volga, then went to the World War Two (Great War) monument. After, we sat in Gymnasium #46, where three of the awesome exchange students are attending later, and where we spoke of educational obligations of the school year and some logistics about camps/optional excursions. Around 1pm, our host siblings came with us to the smaller McDonalds near #46. Students exchanged numbers and socialized.

The “chicken shake” that we feared, was not like advertised. The Americans thought it would be some sort of weird milkshake, but it was more similar to a spiced chicken nugget invented by the Japanese person who missed boba tea snacks. It only took me a iced tea and fries (kartowska frites) to fill me up, since I normally avoid eating McDonalds in the States. Afterwards, my host sister Irina and I took another marshupka to the larger McDonalds near home, where Papa picked us up.

School starts on September 1st, a national day of knowledge. I am not sure what to expect, but I have heard many things about flowers for the teacher and dressing up for some sort of ceremony. I am anxious, yet also excited. I've been really happy lately because my host sisters and I have helped each other learn English and Russian.

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