Tuvalu is a small nation and marine-coastal ecosystem. The Oceanic islands are
located at 8º 52S, 179º 19E, which is east of Australia and north of Fij (Lal
& Fortune 2000).
The name Tuvalu, “Eight islands”, refers to the eight islands originally inhibited. Now, Tuvalu is composed of four islands and five atolls. The capitol is Funafuti. The islands cover a total of 26 square kilometers, placing Tuvalu as the fourth smallest country in the world, only slightly larger than the Vatican. To put the size in perspective, Tuvalu is approximately 0.1 times the size of Washington DC (CIA “World Factbook”).
1. Map from the CIA World Factbook
2. Map from BBC News (
During World War II, the islands suffered minor blows from bombs. Some land was allocated for air landing strips, which took away from available farming-space, but after the war, agriculture resumed relatively unchanged (Cannon “History of Tuvalu”). Inhabitants go fishing nearby and farm coconuts on Tuvalu.
During World War II, the islands suffered minor blows from bombs. Some land was allocated for air landing strips, which took away from available farming-space, but after the war, agriculture resumed relatively unchanged (Cannon “History of Tuvalu”). Inhabitants go fishing nearby and farm coconuts on Tuvalu.
3. Bird’s Eye view of Funafuti, Tuvalu from UK Reuters (
is composed of coral islands. Native historians theorize that Tuvalu arose from
coral build-up and subsiding volcanic rock. Currently, the highest point on the
islands is 4 meters, about 15 feet above sea level (Lal & Fortune 2000). Tuvalu
has always been relatively flat, and close to the ocean. The low-lying islands
originally garnered no alarming attention.
However scientists fear that Tuvalu
is at risk of submerging.
in the late 20th century, civilians became wary of rising sea
levels, which are possibly attributed to global warming (Pollock “Atlantis
Approaching”). Documentarian Elizabeth Pollack of Atlantis Approaching and writer Leslie Allen of the Smithsonian argue that Tuvalu is under
risk of submerging underwater. Advocates of this theory further support the claim by citing record frequency of king tides and flooding.
the other hand, counterarguments come from skeptics, who believe that natives
are pushing the “Atlantis Agenda” as justification
for a) loosening migration policy to New Zealand and more developed nations, b)
boosting tourism from curious foreigners in the short-term. Researchers Paul
Kent and Arthur Web attest that islands only appear to erode, but are in fact
safely in tact (“The Dynamic Response of Reef Islands to Sea-Level Rise: Evidence
from Multi-Decadal Analysis of Island Change in the Central Pacific”).
Also you might
want to see this BBC article:
siding with either side of the “Atlantis” debate, this blog will focus more on
the relationship between humans and the Tuvaluan ecosystem. We will survey two
significant points:
- World War II and Tuvalu (Minor, Questionable Impact)
- Waste Management and Eutrophication (Large Impact)
World War II and Tuvalu:
From 1941 to 1942, the islands were bombed by American aircrafts during World
War II. Historian Brian Cannon reports that damage was “minimal” (ibid. “Tuvalu
History”), however much wreckage was left on the beaches of Tuvalu and take
away from the environment’s natural beauty.
have been no concrete studies conducted to induce whether the WWII bombings
disrupted the ecosystem or local food chain, however it is clearly seen that
the landscape has been plagued by remnants of war machinery.
In addition,
storms have caused people of various nationalities to abandon machinery and
ships in Tuvalu. Almost little to no research has been published about the
possible increase in metallic element and mineral amounts in the Oceanic water
after WWII, which has made data-based projections of future effects difficult.
However, we can present several images that attest for the physical presence of the material
4, 5 and 6. Photos of wreckage taken by Brian Cannon (
discharges in areas of limited water circulation and dilution are known to
cause eutrophication of lagoons, which results in the growth of blue-green
algae, changes in species composition, and decrease in biodiversity” (Lal,
Saloa and & Uili “Economics of liquid waste management in Funafuti,
Image source:
Figure 7 and 8. Photos of damaged coral reefs obtained
from Padma Lal, Kalesoma Saloa and Falealili Uili’s report Economics of liquid waste management in
Funafuti, Tuvalu (ISSN 1818-5614)
Here’s a
point of interest, try to find: U. Kaly’s report “Tuvalu waste management
project, ecological audit of Funafuti landfill: marine baseline surveys &
assessment of site suitability”.
For further
investigation, one can also examine the effects of “Fishing and Coconut Farming” or “Human Overpopulation” as other
impacts on the Tuvaluan ecosystem. Several resources are listed in our
Additional Reading section.
Fishery and coconut farming are primary means of sustenance and economic profit for inhabitants of Tuvalu. Currently Tuvalu reaps of the benefit of the Economic Exclusive Zone (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - Part V), which gives Tuvaluans control of all marine resources in a 200 nautical mile radius from Funafuti.
In extension of the marine-coastal ecosystem, Tuvalu houses a coral reef community, so this increases the value of the island territory. The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Assocation) reports that more than 25% of marine fish species are endemic to coral reefs, which are in themselves rare and few in marine ecosystems (Bryant "Reefs at Risk: A map-based indicator of potential threats to the world's coral reefs").
Tuvalu is home to over 10,600 people (CIA “World Factbook”). In the late 1800s,
European merchants and whalers brought much economic activity to Tuvalu. Then
in 1877, Tuvalu (then known as Ellice Islands) was colonized by the
British. The islands were settled by foreign fishermen and sea
merchants, who joined the native Polynesian islanders. Later, in October 1987, Tuvalu became an
independent nation (Cannon “Tuvalu History”).
Now, Tuvalu enjoys moderate income from tourism, so there
is currently a larger incentive to maintain the tropical beauty of this
marine-coastal ecosystem (Lockwood “Globalization and Culture Change in the
Pacific Islands”).
Since 1996, the Tuvalu Conservation Areas Act has protected 35.95 square kilometers of land. Most notably, there is one official protected area in Funafuti, and a proposed site in Vaitupu. Other islands have sites which also set out land for wildlife (see table below). According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Tuvalu is home to 121 plant, 19 bird, 22 mammal, 5 reptile and 189 fish species (IUCN “Red List 2008”).
Since 1996, the Tuvalu Conservation Areas Act has protected 35.95 square kilometers of land. Most notably, there is one official protected area in Funafuti, and a proposed site in Vaitupu. Other islands have sites which also set out land for wildlife (see table below). According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Tuvalu is home to 121 plant, 19 bird, 22 mammal, 5 reptile and 189 fish species (IUCN “Red List 2008”).
Funafuti Conservation Area
Funafuti fosters high biodiversity in the marine-coastal ecosystem species, which include coconut crabs, pan-tropical spotted dolphins, pygmy killer whales, brown boobies, white tern and others (“Funafuti Marine Conservation Area, Tuvalu: Report of the Bird Survey”). Despite being a nature conservancy site, this area also allows for snorkeling and scuba diving.
Funafuti fosters high biodiversity in the marine-coastal ecosystem species, which include coconut crabs, pan-tropical spotted dolphins, pygmy killer whales, brown boobies, white tern and others (“Funafuti Marine Conservation Area, Tuvalu: Report of the Bird Survey”). Despite being a nature conservancy site, this area also allows for snorkeling and scuba diving.
about Funafuti Conservation Area:
further information, you may also wish to consult:
Vaitupu Conservation Area
conservation area was proposed in 2003, but not yet designated as official
site. Plans parallel those at Funafuti (UNFCCC
and UNDP “Tuvalu’s National Adaption Programme of Action”).
There was also a data table released by the Government of Tuvalu, managed under the Millenium Development Goal Taskforce and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in May 2011, which comprehensively listed Conservation Areas in Tuvalu. It is displayed below:
There was also a data table released by the Government of Tuvalu, managed under the Millenium Development Goal Taskforce and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in May 2011, which comprehensively listed Conservation Areas in Tuvalu. It is displayed below:
It appears that Tuvalu as a coastal-marine ecosystem has heavily been impacted by human actions, both from the local and international community. We can project that the coral of Tuvalu will continue to be destroyed by eutrophication, unless preventive action is taken or pollutants stop being dumped into the sea. The coastline may continue to shrink as ocean levels rise, but by recognizing that extreme climate change is partly anthropogenic, then humans can slow down the rate of polar-ice cap melting and other inducers of rising ocean levels. In the future, perhaps there would be research conducted to determine if the abandoned machinery has added minerals and metals to the sands of Tuvalu or in someway disrupted animal life. Fortunately, the conservation sites are boon to Tuvalu and will mitigate some of the harm done to the marine-coastal ecosystem.
So what can be done to maintain balance between people and the ecosystem? In lieu of a paragraph, a brief outline of recommendations is provided below:
So what can be done to maintain balance between people and the ecosystem? In lieu of a paragraph, a brief outline of recommendations is provided below:
- Establish an awareness and education campaign
- to plan for future displaced people of Tuvalu if island made uninhabitable by rising sea levels
- to reduce trash and waste polluting the waters/oceans
- Fix the waste systems to fight off eutrophication of marine ecosystem and destruction of coral reefs
- Remove military machinery, wreckage and debris on beach to prevent additional decay and pollution into the coastal-marine ecosystem.
- Focus on conservation of islands, convert soils to sustainable agriculture to feed island population for future.
Note on Global Warming and Sinking
If the
“Atlantis theory” is correct, then the matter of human migration trumps
all aforementioned concerns. Tuvaluans must prepare to evacuate the islands eventually,
if this ecosystem is not stabilized and made self-sustainable.
If the
theory that global warming upholds, then polar ice caps will melt at a faster
rate, sea levels will rise and Tuvalu will be at risk of sinking. This threat
could lead to many displaced peoples, if lands submerge deeper. In this
situation, future migration should be planned and regulated by Tuvaluan and
neighboring-countries government. In the worst case scenario, extreme climate
change could lead to:
- Unused soils and desertification,
or tropical plants overrunning the islands.
- Future modern Atlantis, as described by scientists and public officials.
Allen, L. 2004. "Will Tuvalu Disappear Beneath the
Sea?" Smithsonian. 35.5 (2004): 44-53.
"High Tides Threaten Tuvalu." BBC News: World:
Asia-Pacific. BBC, 18 Feb. 2000. Web. 08 Nov. 2012.
Cannon, Brian. "Tuvalu History." Tuvalu History. BRC Online, 18
Sept. 2012. Web. 11 Nov. 2012. <>.
Bryant, Dirk G. Reefs at Risk: A Map-Based Indicator of Threats to the World's Coral Reefs. Washington, D.C: World Resources Institute, 1998. Print.
Bryant, Dirk G. Reefs at Risk: A Map-Based Indicator of Threats to the World's Coral Reefs. Washington, D.C: World Resources Institute, 1998. Print.
Kench, Paul and Arthur Web. The Dynamic Response of Reef Islands to
Sea-Level Rise: Evidence from Multi-Decadal Analysis of Island Change in the
Central Pacific. Elsevier B.V, 2012. <>.
Lal, Brij V, and Kate Fortune. The Pacific Islands: An
Encyclopedia. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2000. Print.
Lal, Padma, Kalesoma Saloa and Falealili Uili. “Economics of
liquid waste management in Funafuti, Tuvalu”. Iwp-pacific
Technical Report. Apia, Samoa: South Pacific Regional Environment
Programme, SPREP, 2000. Print.
Lockwood, Victoria S. Globalization and Culture Change in
the Pacific Islands. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Education, 2004.
Pollock, Elizabeth. Atlantis Approaching. Milwaukee,
WI: Blue Marble Productions, 2006. Film.
Solomon, Susan. Climate Change 2007: The Physical
Science Basis : Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2007. Print.
Funafuti Marine
Conservation Area, Tuvalu: Report of the Bird Survey (August 31 - September 11,
1998). Apia, Samoa: South Pacific Regional Environment Programme,
1998. Print.
IUNC Red List of
Threatened Animals. Gland: IUCN, 2008. Print.
United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change. Tuvalu’s
National Adaptation Programme of Action. United Nations Development Programme
, 2007. Print
World Factbook. Washington, D.C: U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, 2012.
Additional Reading:
Baarsch, Florent, and Lan M. Berg. "Warming Oceans and Human Waste Hit Tuvalu's Sustainable Way of Life." Guardian UK: Poverty Matters Blog. Guardian Uk, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 4 Mar. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2012. <>. Online Resource.
Faaniu, Simati, and Hugh Laracy. Tuvalu, a History. Suva, Fiji: Institute of Pacific Studies and Extension Services, University of the South Pacific and the Ministry of Social Services, Government of Tuvalu, 1983. Print.
Fisher, P B. Reframing Global Climate Change: Achieving Human Security for Vulnerable Communities. Irvine, Calif: University of California, Irvine, 2009. Print.
Head, Lesley. "Cultural Ecology: Adaptation - Retrofitting a Concept?" Progress in Human Geography. 34.2 (2010): 234-242. Print.
Ralston, Holley, Britta Horstmann, and Carina Holl. Climate Change: Challenges Tuvalu. Bonn: Germanwatch, 2004. Print.
Source: IPCC “Climate Change 2007: The Physical
Science Basis”
Factors contributing to
likelihood assessment
Warming during the past half century
cannot be explained without external radiative forcing
Extremely likely (>95%)
Anthropogenic change has been detected in
surface temperature with very high significance levels (less than 1% error
probability). This conclusion is strengthened by detection of anthropogenic
change in the upper ocean with high significance level. Upper ocean warming
argues against the surface warming being due to natural internal processes.
Observed change is very large relative to climate-model simulated internal
variability. Surface temperature variability simulated by models is
consistent with variability estimated from instrumental and palaeorecords.
Main uncertainty from forcing and internal variability estimates (Sections,,,,9.7).
Warming during the past half century is
not solely due to known natural causes
Very Likely
This warming took place at a time when
non-anthropogenic external factors would likely have produced cooling. The
combined effect of known sources of forcing would have been extremely likely
to produce a warming. No climate model that has used natural forcing only has
reproduced the observed global warming trend over the 2nd half of the 20th
century. Main uncertainties arise from forcing, including solar,
model-simulated responses and internal variability estimates (Sections 2.9.2, 9.2.1,,; Figures 9.5, 9.6, 9.9).
Greenhouse gas forcing has been the
dominant cause of the observed global warming over the last 50 years.
Very likely
All multi-signal detection and attribution
studies attribute more warming to greenhouse gas forcing than to a
combination of all other sources considered, including internal variability,
with a very high significance. This conclusion accounts for observational,
model and forcing uncertainty, and the possibility that the response to solar
forcing could be underestimated by models. Main uncertainty from forcing and
internal variability estimates (Section; Figure 9.9).
Increases in greenhouse gas
concentrations alone would have caused more warming than observed over the
last 50 years because volcanic and anthropogenic aerosols have offset some
warming that would otherwise have taken place.
Estimates from different analyses using
different models show consistently more warming than observed over the last
50 years at the 5% significance level. However, separation of the response to
non-greenhouse gas (particularly aerosol) forcing from greenhouse gas forcing
varies between models (Section; Figure 9.9).
There has been a substantial
anthropogenic contribution to surface temperature increases in every
continent except Antarctica since the middle of the 20th century
Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North
America and South America
Anthropogenic change has been estimated
using detection and attribution methods on every individual continent (except
Antarctica). Greater variability compared to other continental regions makes
detection more marginal in Europe. No climate model that used natural forcing
only reproduced the observed continental mean warming trend over the second
half of the 20th century. Uncertainties arise because sampling effects result
in lower signal-to-noise ratio at continental than at global scales. Separation
of the response to different forcings is more difficult at these spatial
scales (Section 9.4.2; FAQ 9.2, Figure 1).
Early 20th-century warming is due in part
to external forcing.
Very Likely
A number of studies detect the influence of
external forcings on early 20th-century warming, including a warming from
anthropogenic forcing. Both natural forcing and response are uncertain, and
different studies find different forcings dominant. Some studies indicate
that internal variability could have made a large contribution to early
20th-century warming. Some observational uncertainty in early 20th-century
trend (Sections,; Figures 9.4, 9.5).
Factors contributing to
likelihood assessment
Pre-industrial temperatures were
influenced by natural external forcing (period studied is past 7 centuries)
NH (mostly extratropics)
Very Likely
Detection studies indicate that external
forcing explains a substantial fraction of inter-decadal variability in NH
temperature reconstructions. Simulations in response to estimates of
pre-industrial forcing reproduce broad features of reconstructions.
Substantial uncertainties in reconstructions and past forcings are unlikely
to lead to a spurious agreement between temperature reconstructions and forcing
reconstructions as they are derived from independent proxies (Section 9.3.3; Figures9.4, 6.13).
Temperature extremes have changed due to
anthropogenic forcing
NH land areas and Australia combined.
A range of observational evidence indicates
that temperature extremes are changing. An anthropogenic influence on the
temperatures of the 1, 5, 10 and 30 warmest nights, coldest days and coldest
nights annually has been formally detected and attributed in one study, but
observed change in the temperature of the warmest day annually is
inconsistent with simulated change. The detection of changes in temperature
extremes is supported by other comparisons between models and observations.
Model uncertainties in changes in temperature extremes are greater than for
mean temperatures and there is limited observational coverage and substantial
observational uncertainty (Section 9.4.3).
atmosphere changes
Tropopause height increases are
detectable and attributable to anthropogenic forcing (latter half of the 20th
There has been robust detection of anthropogenic
influence on increasing tropopause height. Simulated tropopause height
increases result mainly from greenhouse gas increases and stratospheric ozone
decreases. Detection and attribution studies rely on reanalysis data, which
are subject to inhomogeneities related to differing availability and quality
of input data, although tropopause height increases have also been identified
in radiosonde observations. Overall tropopause height increases in recent
model and one reanalysis (ERA-40) appear to be driven by similar large-scale
changes in atmospheric temperature, although errors in tropospheric warming
and stratospheric cooling could lead to partly spurious agreement in other
data sets (Section; Figure 9.14).
Tropospheric warming is detectable and
attributable to anthropogenic forcing (latter half of the 20th century)
There has been robust detection and
attribution of anthropogenic influence on tropospheric warming, which does
not depend on including stratospheric cooling in the fingerprint pattern of
response. There are observational uncertainties in radiosonde and satellite
records. Models generally predict a relative warming of the free troposphere
compared to the surface in the tropics since 1979, which is not seen in the
radiosonde record (possibly due to uncertainties in the radiosonde record)
but is seen in one version of the satellite record, although not others (Section 9.4.4).
Simultaneous tropospheric warming and
stratospheric cooling due to the influence of anthropogenic forcing has been
observed (latter half of the 20th century)
Very Likely
Simultaneous warming of the troposphere and
cooling of the stratosphere due to natural factors is less likely than
warming of the troposphere or cooling of the stratosphere alone. Cooling of
the stratosphere is in part related to decreases in stratospheric ozone.
Modelled and observational uncertainties as discussed under entries for
tropospheric warming with additional uncertainties due to stratospheric
observing systems and the relatively poor representations of stratospheric
processes and variability in climate models (Section 9.4.4).
Factors contributing to
likelihood assessment
Ocean changes
Anthropogenic forcing has warmed the upper
several hundred metres of the ocean during the latter half of the 20th
Global (but with limited sampling in some
Robust detection and attribution of
anthropogenic fingerprint from three different models in ocean temperature
changes, and in ocean heat content data, suggests high likelihood, but
observational and modelling uncertainty remains. 20th-century simulations
with MMD models simulate comparable ocean warming to observations only if
anthropogenic forcing is included. Simulated and observed variability appear
inconsistent, either due to sampling errors in the observations or
under-simulated internal variability in the models. Limited geographical
coverage in some ocean basins (Section; Figure 9.15).
Anthropogenic forcing contributed to sea
level rise during the latter half 20th century
Very likely
Natural factors alone do not satisfactorily
explain either the observed thermal expansion of the ocean or the observed
sea level rise. Models including anthropogenic and natural forcing simulate
the observed thermal expansion since 1961 reasonably well. Anthropogenic
forcing dominates the surface temperature change simulated by models, and has
likely contributed to the observed warming of the upper ocean and widespread
glacier retreat. It is very unlikely that the warming during the past half
century is due only to known natural causes. It is therefore very likely that
anthropogenic forcing contributed to sea level rise associated with ocean
thermal expansion and glacier retreat. However, it remains difficult to
estimate the anthropogenic contribution to sea level rise because suitable
studies quantifying the anthropogenic contribution to sea level rise and
glacier retreat are not available, and because the observed sea level rise
budget is not closed (Table 9.2; Section 9.5.2).
Sea level pressure shows a detectable
anthropogenic signature during the latter half of the 20th century
Changes of similar nature are observed in
both hemispheres and are qualitatively, but not quantitatively consistent
with model simulations. Uncertainty in models and observations. Models
underestimate the observed NH changes for reasons that are not understood,
based on a small number of studies. Simulated response to 20th century
forcings is consistent with observations in SH if effect of stratospheric
ozone depletion is included (Section; Figure 9.16).
Anthropogenic forcing contributed to the
increase in frequency of the most intense tropical cyclones since the 1970s
Tropical regions
More likely than not (>50%)
Recent observational evidence suggests an
increase in frequency of intense storms. Increase in intensity is consistent
with theoretical expectations. Large uncertainties due to models and
observations. Modelling studies generally indicate a reduced frequency of
tropical cyclones in response to enhanced greenhouse gas forcing, but an
increase in the intensity of the most intense cyclones. Observational
evidence, which is affected by substantial inhomogeneities in tropical
cyclone data sets for which corrections have been attempted, suggests that
increases in cyclone intensity since the 1970s are associated with SST and
atmospheric water vapour increases (Section
3.8.3, Box 3.5 and Section
Precipitation, Drought, Runoff
Volcanic forcing influences total rainfall
Global land areas
More likely than not (>50%)
Model response detectable in observations
for some models and result supported by theoretical understanding. However,
uncertainties in models, forcings and observations. Limited observational
sampling, particularly in the SH (Section; Figure 9.18).
Increases in heavy rainfall are consistent
with anthropogenic forcing during latter half 20th century
Global land areas (limited sampling)
More likely than not (>50%)
Observed increases in heavy precipitation
appear to be consistent with expectations of response to anthropogenic
forcing. Models may not represent heavy rainfall well; observations suffer
from sampling inadequacies (Section
Factors contributing to
likelihood assessment
Precipitation, Drought,
Increased risk of drought due to
anthropogenic forcing during latter half 20th century
Global land areas
More likely than not (>50%)
One detection study has identified an
anthropogenic fingerprint in a global Palmer Drought Severity Index data set
with high significance, but the simulated response to anthropogenic and
natural forcing combined is weaker than observed, and the model appears to
have less inter-decadal variability than observed. Studies of some regions
indicate that droughts in those regions are linked either to SST changes
that, in some instances, may be linked to anthropogenic aerosol forcing
(e.g., Sahel) or to a circulation response to anthropogenic forcing (e.g.,
southwest Australia). Models, observations and forcing all contribute
uncertainty (Section
Anthropogenic forcing has contributed to
reductions in NH sea ice extent during the latter half of the 20th
The observed change is qualitatively
consistent with model-simulated changes for most models and expectation of
sea ice melting under arctic warming. Sea ice extent change detected in one
study. The model used has some deficiencies in arctic sea ice annual cycle
and extent. The conclusion is supported by physical expectations and
simulations with another climate model. Change in SH sea ice probably within
range explained by internal variability (Section
Anthropogenic forcing has contributed to
widespread glacier retreat during the 20th century
Observed changes are qualitatively
consistent with theoretical expectations and temperature detection.
Anthropogenic contribution to volume change difficult to estimate. Few
detection and attribution studies, but retreat in vast majority of glaciers
consistent with expected reaction to widespread warming (Section
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