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Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Has Arrived

Or more like Summer, because the weather is settling around the nice
mid 20 degrees Celsius, which compares to the warmer weather of my
hometown. Only a few weeks ago, it was still snowing. And now? No
trace of snow, but we do have occasional rain. It's rather funny,
because Russia celebrated the arrival of Spring in March, but the
weather did not match the time of year at all. Now, it's a mid-way
point between Spring and Summer. The weather is mostly sunny, while
the grass is turning green. I don't know how many times I can repeat
this, but the sudden weather change really amazes me. I can't get over

It feels like not much has happened since the last blog post, but I'm
probably wrong. The memories have lumped into a giant mass of good
feelings, and also anxiety about returning to America. I strongly miss
home. Even as Spring beautifies the city, I'm very nervous about the
remaining two months. I want to make the most out of the short time,
but concurrently, I want time to fly by ever-so quickly so I can enjoy
the Summer back with friends and family in America.

I'm certain my Englich vocabulary and grammar has died over the last
ten months, but I simply cease to care. I'll return home with an
awkward speech pattern, odd lingo, but I'm sure I'll reassimulate and
regain my Bay Area dialect once more. As much as one wants to deny it,
Bay Areans have their own specialised form of English.....which
rapidly updates with every new advancement in technology and music.
Well yes, you'll see guys. We'll keep this a rather casual post today,
without the deeper analysis behind this theory. But I assure you, the
dialect is there!

We're making great progress in our school Russian lessons. We changed
teachers, which really improved the whole situation of pedagogy, but I
digress....I'm quite happy that school will soon end. May has yet to
arrive, but I hope it ends soon! The end of school would also signal
our trip to Saint Petersburg. I'm quite excited for the trip, because
I've purchased a few books about Peter the Great; I'm just waiting to
see the city myself now!

Some of the exchange students were allowed to visit the South for the
end of April, but most of us continue to stay in school. I had a
desire to visit Moscow on Victory Day, but I feel like that won't be
possible, because of finances and because of the difficulty of
obtaining program I just remind myself of that life
lesson: "You can't always have what you want". Oh well, life overall
is great. I'm missing America like crazy, and I have absolutely no
wi-fi access, so I don't go on the Internet usually.

Today is just an exception, so in the future....there won't be much
more blog posts. Sorry!!!